Hai katha sangram ki,
Vishwa ke kalyan ki
Dharm adharm aadi anant
Satya asatya kalesh kalank
Swaarth ki katha parmarth ki
Shakti hai, bhakti hai
Janmo ki mukti hai
Jeevan ka ye sampoorn saar hai
Krishna ki mahima hai
Geeta ki garima hai
Grantho ka granth, ye mahaan hai
Mahabharat, Mahabharat
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(This is) The saga of battles fought, for the welfare of the world
Of religion and injustice, of origin and the eternal, of truth and lies, of sufferings and stigmas
The narrative of self-interests and of charity
The power of devotion, that liberates from rebirths
It is the essence of entire life and existence
Of Krishna's glory and Geeta's dignity
That's supreme text of all books.
Mahabharat Mahabharat
Terjemahan dari http://lyricstranslate.com/en/mahabharat-title-song-mahabharat-title-song.html
The Maharabata is a tale of great struggle
told for the whole world's sake
of holiness and sinfulness
of things ancient and eternal
of right and wrong
of selfishness and selflessness.
Within lie strength and the love to God,
the way out of the cycle of rebirths;
Within lies life itself,
the glory of Lord Krishna
and the venerable Bhagavat Gita!
This tale is greater than any other
Mahabharat... Mahabharat.